Now I’m back from Chicago TARDIS, I have had a number of messages from readers who have picked up on a couple of the costumes I premiered at the weekend.
One was my Captain Rory Williams SWAT team soldier from The Wedding Of River Song.
Now, Rory isn’t my favourite character, and this blog is designed to cover the costumes worn by Matt Smith as The Doctor, and that’s how it’s gonna stay.
But on this occasion, with a convention coming up, an eagle-eyed cosplay community member identifying the ENTIRE costume, I had to – just for one – stray off target.
As I say I don’t much care for Rory, but for The Wedding Of River Song he was seen as Captain Williams, head of the defence team at Area 52.
This is the one and only Rory costume I think will ever do!
You can read the original dw_cosplay posting here:
Captain Williams - Entire Costume Identified
Here is my breakdown, and where I got my parts and how much I paid for them.
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
Sunday, 27 November 2011
Chicago TARDIS - Sunday
The Day Of The Daleks
Following the excitement of last night and winning the Masquerade award for Best In Show: Workmanship, I kick my day off by going to the Sunday Brunch with the guests. This was a ticket only affair and I luckily picked up entry to it earlier in the weekend.
It was an interesting exercise in the different approaches the UK and US take to breakfast. I would never have fruit and fried food on the same plate; the bacon is sliced real thin, making it very brittle; the presentation of the pastries are very sickly-sweet – but hey – when in Roman!
The guests entered the room, and dispersed to tables to sit with everyone.
I have to say I didn’t enjoy the brunch at all. The company on my table, although nice, insisted on taking American politics throughout; we didn’t get a guest; and it cost $50 for a self-service, when I had been paying $20 for table-service previously. I didn’t stick around – I’d rather be off costume spotting.
In the lobby I found some UNIT guys, both old and new keeping everyone in check.
I had a particular interest in these military SWAT uniforms – but more on that soon . . .
I do love the diversity of costumes that are worn at this event. They are not limited to the New-Who, with a lot of Classic-Who on show.
I found a group straight out of The Hand Of Fear, as well as a great Seven and Ace.
The attendance of Peter Davison naturally encouraged the Five cosplayers, and I found a number of Adrics, Tegans, Nissas and Fives, both male and femme!
It was an interesting exercise in the different approaches the UK and US take to breakfast. I would never have fruit and fried food on the same plate; the bacon is sliced real thin, making it very brittle; the presentation of the pastries are very sickly-sweet – but hey – when in Roman!
The guests entered the room, and dispersed to tables to sit with everyone.
I have to say I didn’t enjoy the brunch at all. The company on my table, although nice, insisted on taking American politics throughout; we didn’t get a guest; and it cost $50 for a self-service, when I had been paying $20 for table-service previously. I didn’t stick around – I’d rather be off costume spotting.
In the lobby I found some UNIT guys, both old and new keeping everyone in check.
I had a particular interest in these military SWAT uniforms – but more on that soon . . .
I do love the diversity of costumes that are worn at this event. They are not limited to the New-Who, with a lot of Classic-Who on show.
I found a group straight out of The Hand Of Fear, as well as a great Seven and Ace.
The attendance of Peter Davison naturally encouraged the Five cosplayers, and I found a number of Adrics, Tegans, Nissas and Fives, both male and femme!
Saturday, 26 November 2011
Chicago TARDIS - Saturday
Day Of The Award
After chatting away to the small hours with friends last night, I’m up again bright and early to discover the news that although Sarah Sutton was forced to drop out due to a family illness, filling her place at short notice is Matthew Waterhouse!
Knowing what Janet is like, I feel a little sorry for Matthew, though also some respect, cos it’s gonna be like lamb to the slaughter!!

I started my day off in my series five Donegal tweed and blue Paul Smith shirt (see right). Personally I prefer the look of the Shetland tweed, but have been finding the Donegal a comfortable fit.
Heading back down in the lobby area I caught up with Kevin again, who was now in his second costume of the weekend, his Satan Pit spacesuit.
He bought the suit from SpaceToys, who supplied the originals to Louise Page for use in the series, but found, as Louise had before him, that it required substantial reworking before it was wearable as it was quite shabbily made.
He bought the suit from SpaceToys, who supplied the originals to Louise Page for use in the series, but found, as Louise had before him, that it required substantial reworking before it was wearable as it was quite shabbily made.
To complete the outfit, he tracked down the correct gloves, climbing harness and boots.
Friday, 25 November 2011
Chicago TARDIS - Friday
Having landed safely and on time yesterday afternoon, I am now refreshed after being awake for 25-hours straight and ready for what the convention has to throw at me.
After a hearty breakfast of poached eggs, I spent some time catching up on blogging from the hotel lobby.I really like wearing the Shetland tweed these days, so to start the day off I wore it with my Utah shirt (see right).
Slowly the hotel came to life, with more attendees, fezzes and stetsons evident.
There were some great improvised costumes around, and I especially liked a group who were doing the Fifth Doctor TARDIS crew (see below).
There is a lot of new-Who cosplay (see below), so it’s refreshing to see some classic series costumes for a change, and even more so if they are worn by younger fans, proving the older episodes haven’t lost any of their appeal.
Chicago TARDIS is nowhere near as big as Gallifrey One, with only around 800 people due to come this weekend.
It is, however, well organised and put together with the experience of the fans in mind.
This morning I went through the process of getting my photocall with the principle guests: Janet Fielding, Andrew Hayden-Smith and Peter Davison.
Thursday, 24 November 2011
Chicago TARDIS - Thursday evening
This evening things unofficially kicked off with a complimentary meal for the reserve ticket holders, attended by the guests that had arrived by that time.
I have brought along over six costume changes for the weekend, and I plan to rotate them as often as possible. Each time I do I’ll let you know what I'm wearing!
There was a warm round of applause as Peter Davison and Janet Fielding came in, followed by Nicholas, Andrew and others.
They were very cordial and made the point of table-hopping around the room to meet and greet everyone there.
Janet was complaining about her Thanksgiving Dinner, which included sweet potato cooked with marshmallow. Peter on the other hand had a glass of wine, which was agreeing with him . . .
I had a good chat to a number of fellow attendees who had been coming to the event for several years. It had been a while since Janet had come over, so I filled them in my my experiences of her style and patter.
Like me, they are looking forward to the weekend’s events.
I have brought along over six costume changes for the weekend, and I plan to rotate them as often as possible. Each time I do I’ll let you know what I'm wearing!
For the meet and greet, I decided to wear my series five Donegal tweed jacket and blue Paul Smith shirt (see right). It’s comfortable and I only got to finished it off in the last week, so this is my chance to wear it for the first time proper.
There was a warm round of applause as Peter Davison and Janet Fielding came in, followed by Nicholas, Andrew and others.
They were very cordial and made the point of table-hopping around the room to meet and greet everyone there.
Janet was complaining about her Thanksgiving Dinner, which included sweet potato cooked with marshmallow. Peter on the other hand had a glass of wine, which was agreeing with him . . .
I had a good chat to a number of fellow attendees who had been coming to the event for several years. It had been a while since Janet had come over, so I filled them in my my experiences of her style and patter.
Like me, they are looking forward to the weekend’s events.
Chicago - HERE I COME!
Earlier this year, on the spur of the moment, I followed the Ultimate Tennant Suit across the Atlantic to Gallifrey One, North America’s premier Doctor Who convention.
Well I guess I got a taste for conventions-American style, cos I’m off again - this time to Chicago TARDIS, a Mid-West and more low key affair.
Last time I left it to literally the last minute and gabbed a flight which got me there after the convention started. This time I'm heading out the day before and coming back the day after its all over. A more leisurely, and civilised way to do things.
The headline guest, until a few weeks prior, was Alex Kingston, who had to drop out after getting a part in the BBC’s revival series of Upstairs Downstairs.
Instead it is a Fifth Doctor FEST, with Peter Davison, and Janet Fielding (who’s always game for a laugh) AND Sarah Sutton. It’s a shame that Matthew Waterhouse isn’t there too, but is still means the complete post-Earthshock TARDIS crew will be reunited - which will be fun.
Well I guess I got a taste for conventions-American style, cos I’m off again - this time to Chicago TARDIS, a Mid-West and more low key affair.
Last time I left it to literally the last minute and gabbed a flight which got me there after the convention started. This time I'm heading out the day before and coming back the day after its all over. A more leisurely, and civilised way to do things.
The headline guest, until a few weeks prior, was Alex Kingston, who had to drop out after getting a part in the BBC’s revival series of Upstairs Downstairs.
Instead it is a Fifth Doctor FEST, with Peter Davison, and Janet Fielding (who’s always game for a laugh) AND Sarah Sutton. It’s a shame that Matthew Waterhouse isn’t there too, but is still means the complete post-Earthshock TARDIS crew will be reunited - which will be fun.
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
Visions From Behind The Sofa
Today I had a fantastic time – and for only £5!!!
It’s the 38th anniversary of the start of Doctor Who!
And to celebrate I went to a one-off special event at The University Of Hertfordshire, only a few miles north of where I live.
The university has a film studies department, and they regularly organise lecture days for their students to attend. Some of these are open to the public and his month was a Doctor Who day, the choice of scheduling date being no co-incidence.
The campus is a very modern, and inspiring building.
It didn’t take me too long to find the Weston Auditorium, where the day took place. I quickly realised I was not only probably the oldest person attending – everyone were either wearing skinny jeans hanging off their hips, or had be any hats on – I was the only one in costume.
I had just completed my best ever Matt Smith Closing Time costume, so I had to give it a test run.
Luckily before we went in I did spot someone wearing a Tom Baker scarf, so I didn’t feel quite so out of place.
The venue was a cinema, with a stage in front of the screen. On stage was a classic series dalek to get us in the mood!
The day was hosted by Howard Berry, who is the Joint Programme Leader and Senior Lecturer in Post-Production for the undergraduate BA (Hons) degrees in Film and Television Documentary, Entertainment and Fiction at the University.
Although it was an all-day event, it only cost £5 to attend, so was an absolute bargain.
It was broken down into four main lectures, each followed by a panel discussion.
It’s the 38th anniversary of the start of Doctor Who!
And to celebrate I went to a one-off special event at The University Of Hertfordshire, only a few miles north of where I live.
The university has a film studies department, and they regularly organise lecture days for their students to attend. Some of these are open to the public and his month was a Doctor Who day, the choice of scheduling date being no co-incidence.
Entitled Doctor Who: Visions From Behind The Sofa, it formed a serious study of the development and impact of Doctor Who through the years.
The campus is a very modern, and inspiring building.

I had just completed my best ever Matt Smith Closing Time costume, so I had to give it a test run.
Luckily before we went in I did spot someone wearing a Tom Baker scarf, so I didn’t feel quite so out of place.
The venue was a cinema, with a stage in front of the screen. On stage was a classic series dalek to get us in the mood!
The day was hosted by Howard Berry, who is the Joint Programme Leader and Senior Lecturer in Post-Production for the undergraduate BA (Hons) degrees in Film and Television Documentary, Entertainment and Fiction at the University.
Although it was an all-day event, it only cost £5 to attend, so was an absolute bargain.
It was broken down into four main lectures, each followed by a panel discussion.
Sunday, 20 November 2011
boots - Boots - BOOTS!
This week I picked up a number of pairs of the Season Six Matt Smith boots from the Bootmakers.
Having spent some time talking to them while getting my own boots made, they agreed, exclusively through me, to help a number of other cosplayers get the Holy Grail of Matt Smith footwear!
The shoes they made were very wide ranging in sizings a fit, and all were done to precision.
One pair were a size 13 – another much small, but for a very wide fitting (see right).
The bootmakers who kitted out The Doctor, although they are one of the most famous footwear makers for film and tv, they are a small company and deal exclusively with production companies or theatres, and are used to bulk orders for chorus lines or the requirements for the cast of a complete film.
As a result they are NOT happy to take calls from the public or make one-off items which occupy more of their time than it does to make them.
However, through negotiations I conducted with them, they are willing to make boots for Doctor Who fans, so long as the orders come exclusively through me.
This way I can answer all questions prior to making them; arrange for the foot tracings and measurements to be taken and passed on; payments to be made; and delivery globally via my personal FedEx shipping account.
As you can see, I have already arranged a number of pairs, and one of the buyers has posted about it in his blog, Very Well Dressed Hitchhiker.
Having spent some time talking to them while getting my own boots made, they agreed, exclusively through me, to help a number of other cosplayers get the Holy Grail of Matt Smith footwear!
The shoes they made were very wide ranging in sizings a fit, and all were done to precision.
One pair were a size 13 – another much small, but for a very wide fitting (see right).
The bootmakers who kitted out The Doctor, although they are one of the most famous footwear makers for film and tv, they are a small company and deal exclusively with production companies or theatres, and are used to bulk orders for chorus lines or the requirements for the cast of a complete film.
As a result they are NOT happy to take calls from the public or make one-off items which occupy more of their time than it does to make them.
However, through negotiations I conducted with them, they are willing to make boots for Doctor Who fans, so long as the orders come exclusively through me.
This way I can answer all questions prior to making them; arrange for the foot tracings and measurements to be taken and passed on; payments to be made; and delivery globally via my personal FedEx shipping account.
As you can see, I have already arranged a number of pairs, and one of the buyers has posted about it in his blog, Very Well Dressed Hitchhiker.
UPDATEThis service has now been discontinued due to sharp increases in manufacturing costs, and declining quality of finished product. Sorry for any inconvenience
Friday, 18 November 2011
Children In Need - Doctor Who special
Tonight is the annual BBC Children In Need fund raising night, and the on-going connection to Doctor Who shows no signs of letting up.
I thought it worth championing the occasions down the years that The Doctor has helped this worthy cause, and it creates quite a list.
Having written the follow list, I realise the impact Children In Need has had on Doctor Who cannot be overlooked, and we sometimes forget how it was almost a testing ground for ideas and formats we still see today.
What we sometimes forget is that the 20th anniversary story, The Five Doctors, was shown as part of that year’s fund raising night.
After the episode Peter Davison landed his TARDIS alongside Terry Wogan and offer the coat off his back to auction off to raise funds.
I thought it worth championing the occasions down the years that The Doctor has helped this worthy cause, and it creates quite a list.
Having written the follow list, I realise the impact Children In Need has had on Doctor Who cannot be overlooked, and we sometimes forget how it was almost a testing ground for ideas and formats we still see today.
1983The late November timing of Children In Need has made it the stable-mate for Doctor Who and the support the Doctor Who production team have given dates back to the near start of Children In Need in the 1980s.
What we sometimes forget is that the 20th anniversary story, The Five Doctors, was shown as part of that year’s fund raising night.
After the episode Peter Davison landed his TARDIS alongside Terry Wogan and offer the coat off his back to auction off to raise funds.
Bonhams auction - 15th December 2011

It doesn’t seem that long since the last Bonhams auction, and the next in December is soon upon us.
The online catalogue has been posted and there 23 Doctor Who items, mainly from the Tennant era, but there are a few from Matt’s first season as The Doctor.
As usual I have separated the items by Doctor era, and you can see the rest of the items here:
Here are just the lots relating to the Eleventh DoctorLot 185
Doctor Who - The Beast Below, 2010
The Smilers: Four costumes, comprising: four purple coloured cotton robes (colours slightly varying), each together with a blue buttoned robe with white collar, together with a pair of blue trousers with braces (9)
Estimate: £400 − 500
Sold for £1,500

Lot 186
Doctor Who - The Beast Below, 2010
The Winders: Four part costumes, comprising: four long waistcoats, with silver buttons, together with four black cotton shirts one with ‘BBC Costume Store’ printed to inside collar and four leather belts (12)
Estimate: £250 − 350
Sold for £813
Lot 187
Doctor Who - The Vampires of Venice, 2010
Lucian Msamati (aka Wiina Msamati) as Guido: A complete costume, comprising: a doublet and hose, the hose brown velvet, with brocade and stud detail, the doublet with suede and leather effect trim bodice and heavy cotton sleeves, together with a beige coloured cotton shirt and matching ruff, a checked scarf, a brown suede effect tunic, a pair of brown suede gloves, a belt with satchel and dagger/ scabbard, a pair of theatrical tights, a brown suede flat hat and a pair of boots (12)
Estimate: £600 − 700
Lot 188
Doctor Who - Vincent And The Doctor, 2010
Tony Curran as Vincent van Gogh: A partial costume, comprising: a woven straw hat, with beige/green-coloured fabric band; a blue-coloured cotton checked shirt; a pair of blue and grey pinstriped trousers and a brown and blue checked wool coat (4)
Estimate: £350 − 450
Sold for £1,250

Lot 189
Doctor Who - The Pandorica Opens, 2010
Simon Fisher-Becker as Dorium Maldovar: A complete costume, comprising: a burgundy coloured robe, with gold coloured braid seams, a heavily paisley patterned brocade smoking type jacket with quilted lining and shaped metal crescents applied to cuffs and silver metal and gold braid detail to collar with frog and toggle fastening together with a pink and gold stripe silk shirt, and a gold coloured necklace with crescent shaped discs
Estimate: £250 − 350
Sold for £1,375
Lot 190
Doctor Who - The Big Bang, 2010
Arthur Darvill as Rory Williams: A complete Groom’s wedding outfit, comprising: a grey coloured tailcoat, of wool; a pair of black and grey pinstriped trousers, a BHS labelled cream coloured silk effect waistcoat, with label inside ‘Rory’, together with a matching tie (not screen used), a grey coloured top hat and a pair of elasticated grey coloured gloves, and a pair of black leather shoes, in bag detailing return number
Estimate: £400 − 600
Sold for £688

Lot 191
Doctor Who - The Big Bang, 2010
Matt Smith as The Eleventh Doctor: A complete Wedding guest outfit, comprising: a black satin ‘Opera’ type collapsible top hat, in original box, with black ribbon trim; a black tail coat, of wool with satin effect collar; a white waffle type waistcoat; a white shirt with waffle type front together with matching collar and bow-tie; a cream coloured silk scarf with tasselled edge; a pair of black tuxedo trousers, with matching braces and a pair of black size 10 men’s shoes, together with the original costume returns bag
Estimate: £1,200 − 1,800
Sold for £2,625
Thursday, 17 November 2011
ULTIMATE Matt Smith costume - on eBay
This morning the jaw-dropping news that one of Matt Smith’s complete screen-worn costumes, including tweed jacket, shirt, trousers, boots, braces, watch and bow tie would be auctioned to raise funds for Children In Need!!!!
This is an unbelievable chance to acquire what is reap idly becoming an iconic costume.
Matt Smith has been quoted regarding the sale. He said:
Matt Smith has been quoted regarding the sale. He said:
I'd say the tweed jacket or the bow-tie are the most iconic - although the boots are my personal favourite. I hope people donate generously for BBC Children in Need because it's a wonderful cause - and we've got to beat last year's total.Although the starting price was 99p, with only five days for the auction, things quickly accelerated into a frantic bidding war!
Here’s how things played out.
17th November 2011Listing posted with a 99p start price.
After 13 bids, five bidders had reached £800.
Monday, 14 November 2011
Conventions are cool! (Or are they?)
So this morning was the release of the tickets to the OFFICIAL Doctor Who convention due to be held in March 2012 at the Cardiff Millennium Centre.
Just like the stampeed for the BBC Prom tickets last year, I was waiting - poised - to get my order in.
Prior to the release, the BOOK TICKETS page simply read:
This was in-between the occasional Server Connection Failure and my browser not even being able to connect to the host domain.
It made one of the menus on the site take on a whole new meaning . . . WHAT’S GOING ON?!
It wasn’t until 10.30am that suddenly I go the connection needed and I was in. AT LAST!
Just like the stampeed for the BBC Prom tickets last year, I was waiting - poised - to get my order in.
Prior to the release, the BOOK TICKETS page simply read:
Tickets will go on sale 9am Monday 14th November.It got to 9am – and it still said it. Okay, I thought, maybe they are just getting geared up for the rush. 9.15am – still says the same thing – and again at 9.30am.
This was in-between the occasional Server Connection Failure and my browser not even being able to connect to the host domain.
It made one of the menus on the site take on a whole new meaning . . . WHAT’S GOING ON?!
It wasn’t until 10.30am that suddenly I go the connection needed and I was in. AT LAST!
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
T-shirts are cool
Over the past months Forbidden Planet have been progressively releasing t-shirts of The Doctor’s iconic costumes.
So far One, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven and Ten have been released (see above).
They’ve even done an classic series Cyberman shirt! (see right)
Later this month finally sees the release of their Eleventh Doctor Shirt!!
They’ve gone for the series five Donegal tweed with a burgundy Paul Smith shirt and matching bow tie.
Bow ties are cool!
So far One, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven and Ten have been released (see above).
They’ve even done an classic series Cyberman shirt! (see right)
Later this month finally sees the release of their Eleventh Doctor Shirt!!
They’ve gone for the series five Donegal tweed with a burgundy Paul Smith shirt and matching bow tie.
Bow ties are cool!
Friday, 4 November 2011
Prototype Green great coat FOR SALE
This coat is now SOLD!I’ve made a couple of Greatcoats now, including a new one for myself, so I am looking to sell my original prototype.
Made from top quality dark olive moleskin, it is a sturdy winter coat and would keep you warm as we head into the darker, colder nights.
40 to 42 inches
Sleeve Length
25 inches
Overall length
44 inches
Across shoulders
21 inches
If you are interested in putting in an offer, drop me an email to
Thursday, 3 November 2011
Series Six Part Two costume index
Sorry that part two of my Series Six Costume Index has taken a while to appear, but there are a LOT of costume changes for these half-dozen episodes, and they all needs careful documentation! Enjoy.
Shirt Window pane dress shirt with mitred cuffs and tabbed collar
Bow Tie Self-tied blue with aztec key design
Shirt Window pane dress shirt with mitred cuffs and tabbed collar
Trousers G-Star RAW Blade jeans in Spark Denim (waxy look)
Bow Tie Self-tied blue with aztec key design
Closing scene only Self-tied burgundy plain silk
Boots Black, custom made
Also seen wearing For part of the episode, The Doctor dons his top hat and tails last seen in The Big Bang
This brief scene which acts as a prequel to Let’s Kill Hitler, keeps continuity with the start of the episode, bar the Greatcoat he is then seen wearing.Let’s Kill Hitler prequelOn complete Series Six DVDs disc 4

Bow Tie Self-tied blue with aztec key design
Let’s Kill Hitler
Closing scene only Jacket Shetland Tweed jacket, with three-button fastening
Shirt Window pane dress shirt with mitred cuffs and tabbed collar
Trousers G-Star RAW Blade jeans in Spark Denim (waxy look)
Bow Tie Self-tied blue with aztec key design
Closing scene only Self-tied burgundy plain silk
Boots Black, custom made
Also seen wearing For part of the episode, The Doctor dons his top hat and tails last seen in The Big Bang
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