I was out today doing my job as tour guide for the
Unofficial Doctor Who London Locations Tour for Brit Tours.

I had a bus-load of fourteen eager
Doctor Who fans to show around London, and we took in the usual sights from episodes of the classic series.
Butlers Wharf (
see left) and Windmill Walk were the highlights, since they were used in popular Dalek stories,
Resurrection Of The Daleks and
Remembrance Of The Daleks, and we also saw St Peter’s Steps near St Pauls (as seen in
Invasion) as well as The Globe Theatre (from
The Shakespeare Code).
Since the new series is based in Cardiff, not much gets filmed in London these days, so it gives us the Brandon Estate near Kennington (which was where Rose Tyler lived); and John Adam Street around the back of The Strand (which doubled for Downing Street in
Aliens Of London).
When we get to John Adam Street I usually have to show the episode clip on my iPad to show how it looked redressed as Downing Street as it a bit of a stretch.
However, today was a bit of an unexpected surprise. As we rounded the corner I could see a film crew with lights and camera tracks littering the street right where we needed to go. They weren’t actually shooting, but to our collective surprise they had dressed the door to look like Number Ten Downing Street – just like in
Aliens Of London!!
As a reminder, this is what the street normally looks like, taken when I did guided tour for Mark Ferris in 2010
I had a word with one of the crew and found they were filming Coup, a four-part tv series for Channel 4 based on A Very British Coup by Chris Mullin.