His TopMan jeans from series five, with All Saints boots and Paul Smith shirts have been replaced with G-Star RAW jeans, but with custom-made boots, and hand-made shirts.

We thanks to one of my eagle-eyed readers, he has found what appears to be THE fabric used to make Matt Smith’s shirt as seen in the episode Hide.
It comes from a shop call MacCulloch and Wallis.
Located just off Oxford Street on the north side, it is not so far from the fabric shops of Soho where many of the fabrics the likes of Louise Page found to make her many costumes in the Tenth Doctor era.
In fact the orange silk trim for the Tenth Doctor’s inside overcoat pocket came from this very same shop.
MacCulloch and Wallis - Striped Shirting
Looking at a good publicity still of matt in costume I must say it is a pretty good darn match for the fabric used.
If it isn’t THE fabric (which I am very confident it is) then it is the BEST substitute on offer.