The cut is very simple, and have have a plethora of books to use as a basis.
My favourite dates from the early 20th century.

I’ll go into such more detail in a future posting, but for now here’s my finished waistcoat, ready for the convention season.
I’ve paired it here with my Hide Shirt, but I know it’s the wrong bow tie - it will have to do for now.

I tracked down the source of the original buttons used on Matt’s waistcoat, and as usual they aren’t just a simple off the shelf job - that would be too easy!
An early versions of this waistcoat as seen in The Rings Of Akhaten had plain black plastic buttons, but by the time it appears in Cold War, it has much nicer silk buttons.

These are hand-made from Russian braid, which although comes in a range of colours, doesn’t come in the right grade to make buttons this small.
I had to buy a special dyeable Russian braid which is thin enough; get that professionally dyed to the colour of my choice; before getting the buttons hand-made!

But I think it was worth the effort, as these buttons lift the finished result and make it something a bit special.
What do you think?
hi, what is this for a Material that you used for the vest ? Dont find it in the Internet...